Generally speaking, at-home mixer drinkers are an obedient bunch. More often than not picking up the mixer their favourite spirts brand tells them to, resulting in passing up of more interesting options to reawaken their spirits. Shaking these shoppers out of their rather predictable relationship with the now established brands required a bold on-shelf approach.


Observing shoppers in category saw a consistent behaviour - a willingness to consider options, but only to a point. They would see the Double Dutch multi pack with its striking packaging but weren’t exactly sure what it was, or what they should do with it. Safer options existed, and in grocery new product trial apprehension is visible up and down the aisles, especially when you’re pairing it with a £30+ bottle of your favourite spirit.



The DNA of Double Dutch doesn't play to the narrative of the mixer category - they're young, bold in appearance and in choice of flavour pairings. Bringing lots of much needed variety to the category. Our approach was to blend this difference with some practical communications to help shoppers know exactly what to do with a bottle or can of Double Dutch - reassuring them they weren't going to waste that £30+ bottle of spirit. 

Using the bold brand ID mixed with energetic, edgy and directional words to make sure shoppers thought more about their mixer choice to ensure that longed for long drink wasn't squandered with a predictable (and tad boring) mixer choice.